Sheng, D. C., Pedroso, D., Abbo, A. J.. CRC Press; 2008. Stress path dependency and non-convexity of unsaturated soil models.
Hits: 6258
Visitors: 6887
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Abbo, A. J., Lyamin, A. V., Sloan, S. W., Hambleton, J. P.. Elsevier; 2011. A C2 continuous approximation to the Mohr-Coulomb yield surface.
Hits: 9764
Visitors: 10675
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Wilson, D. W., Abbo, A. J., Sloan, S. W.. Taylor & Francis; 2015. Undrained stability of tall tunnels.
Hits: 4793
Visitors: 4777
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Wilson, D. W., Sloan, S. W., Abbo, A. J.. IOS Press; 2009. Stability of circular tunnels in soft ground.
Hits: 4621
Visitors: 5567
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Crumpton, M., Abbo, A. J., Sloan, S. W.. Taylor & Francis; 2015. Discontinuity layout optimization with adaptive node refinement.
Hits: 5079
Visitors: 5643
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Yamamoto, K., Lyamin, A. V., Wilson, D. W., Abbo, A. J., Sloan, S. W.. Aedificatio Publishers; 2009. Limit analysis of shallow tunnels in cohesive-frictional soils.
Hits: 7429
Visitors: 7294
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Abbo, A. J., Fityus, S. G., Mackenzie, S.. Taylor & Francis; 2012. Dunmore Bridge case study: an introduction to geotechnical engineering via finite element analysis.
Hits: 8938
Visitors: 9256
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Kardani, M., Nazem, M., Carter, J. P., Abbo, A. J.. American Society of Civil Engineers; 2015. Efficiency of high-order elements in large-deformation problems of geomechanics.
Hits: 4724
Visitors: 4706
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Yamamoto, K., Lyamin, A. V., Wilson, D. W., Abbo, A. J., Sloan, S. W.. Taylor & Francis; 2012. Stability of cohesive-frictional soils with square underground openings.
Hits: 7269
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Wang, S., Sloan, S. W., Abbo, A. J., Masia, M. J., Tang, C. A.. Elsevier; 2012. Numerical simulation of the failure process of unreinforced masonry walls due to concentrated static and dynamic loading.
Hits: 4134
Visitors: 4409
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Kardani, M., Nazem, M., Carter, J. P., Abbo, A. J.. Australian Geomechanics Society; 2014. Large strain coupled analysis of geotechnical problems using high-order elements.
Hits: 4211
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Yamamoto, K., Lyamin, A. V., Wilson, D. W., Abbo, A. J., Sloan, S. W.. Taylor & Francis; 2012. Bearing capacity analysis of cohesive-frictional soils with dual circular tunnels.
Hits: 6828
Visitors: 7143
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Wilson, D. W., Abbo, A. J., Sloan, S. W., Lyamin, A. V.. IACMAG; 2008. Undrained stability of dual square tunnels.
Hits: 4967
Visitors: 4894
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Salimi Eshkevari, S. N., Abbo, A. J.. Taylor & Francis; 2015. Punching shear coefficients for the design of working platforms.
Hits: 6134
Visitors: 7658
Downloads: 1547
Sloan, S. W., Abbo, A. J., Sheng, D. C.. University of New South Wales (UNSW), Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Safety (CIES); 2011. Accelerated convergence of Newton-Raphson method using a least squares approximation of the consistent tangent matrix.
Hits: 4859
Visitors: 6029
Downloads: 1296
Podlich, N. C., Abbo, A. J., Slaon, S. W.. University of New South Wales (UNSW), Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Safety (CIES); 2011. Application of GPU computing to upper bound rigid block analysis.
Hits: 8256
Visitors: 8958
Downloads: 417
Yamamoto, K., Lyamin, A. V., Wilson, D. W., Abbo, A. J., Sloan, S. W.. University of New South Wales (UNSW), Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Safety (CIES); 2011. Bearing capacity of cohesive-frictional soils with multiple tunnels.
Hits: 8266
Visitors: 8726
Downloads: 499
Crumpton, M., Abbo, A. J., Podlich, N. C., Wilson, D. W., Sloan, S. W.. University of New South Wales (UNSW), Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Safety (CIES); 2011. Upper bound rigid block analysis with rigid block subdivision.